Do you use the links in a blog post to see where they lead?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Thank you

Thanks to everyone who has visited and voted in my poll, and offered comments on my first post. Just to let everyone know, I have chosen to moderate comments so the commenting doesn't get out of control. I trust my close friends and family, but since this is a public blog I am going to continue to moderate comments.
I read a family member's blog and was impressed with the facts laid out and sources properly cited. I know I have a tendency to spout off and rant in generalities. Sometimes this is appropriate, but at other times I want to make the utmost effort to cite real facts and sources instead of just giving my (extremely) biased opinion.
My last item of today is to let everyone know that the baby is still on the inside. I keep saying, "Come out baby, come out", but no baby yet.


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How many children do you have?

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