Do you use the links in a blog post to see where they lead?

Monday, May 19, 2008


As of this post, I am the only voter on the poll. Statistically speaking, this blog is only read by people with 5 or more children at this time. Seriously, though, my wife has convinced me to start blogging. I am not sure what I will fill this spot with, but I am sure at times I will try to be funny, sometimes I will try to talk about my family, and others I will react to current events.
The most important aspect of my life is my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. All other things I am/do stem from that. My family is of second importance after Him. My job is of third importance to me. That heirarchy shows in my life in that each level is important to me to fulfill any levels above it, meaning that my actions with my family will be a fulfillment of my relationship with God, and my job will be a fulfillment of my obligation to serve my family and my God, on down the line through all my priorities in life. When I became a Christian I gave up all right to self-centeredness. When I became married I gave up all right to selfishness. I have purposely decided to put my priorities on a back shelf in order to provide for the upbringing of my children.
My current hot topic is the subject of the Creation of the world. I have been keeping up with the Answers in Genesis website, they have some REALLY good information. We also subscribe to their Answers Magazine, which has lots of really great articles. I firmly believe the correct interpretation of the book of Genesis in the Bible is for 6 days of creation, making the world around 6000 years old.
On a personal note my wife and I are expecting our 6th child any day now, and I am sure everyone is waiting to hear about that.
That is enough for my first post, hopefully I will follow through with more.


Anonymous said...

It'll be nice to keep up with you this way.

Kate Dunigan AtLee said...

Hi Brian,
Aaron sent me the link to this.
We're looking forward to the news that #6 arrived safely.


How many children do you have?

Is evolution a religion?